TIM is an online-only volume-only journal. Papers are published continuously as they are accepted in the current Volume with an Article Sequence Number. Please note that TIM is not a printed journal.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement publishes papers that address innovative solutions to the development and use of electrical and electronic instruments and equipment to measure, monitor and/or record physical phenomena for the purpose of advancing measurement science, methods, functionality and applications. The scope of these papers may encompass: (1) theory, methodology, and practice of measurement; (2) design, development and evaluation of instrumentation and measurement systems and components used in generating, acquiring, conditioning and processing signals; (3) analysis, representation, display, and preservation of the information obtained from a set of measurements; and (4) scientific and technical support to establishment and maintenance of technical standards in the field of Instrumentation and Measurement.
Important Note
When submitting a paper, please ensure you have clearly indicated how your work is within the field of Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M), in addition to placing its novelties and contributions in the proper context of the existing I&M literature. In other words, in your paper:
- Highlight the novelty of your work and what it contributes to: methods or instruments for measurement, detection, tracking, monitoring, characterization, identification, sensing, estimation, recognition, or diagnosis of a physical phenomenon; uniqueness of an application furthering the I&M fields; or measurement theory including uncertainty, calibration, etc. Ideally, this should be made clear in the abstract and/or the introduction.
- Position your work clearly in the context of relevant published literature in the field (I&M) and its body of knowledge. There are two main ways this may be accomplished:
- Comparison of your work (analytical and/or experimental) and its uniqueness and/or advantages over related previous works published in the existing I&M literature.
- For example, the primary focus of the following journals is on the I&M field:
- Metrologia
- Measurement (Elsevier)
- Metrology and Measurement Systems
- Measurement Science and Technology
- Review of Scientific Instruments
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine
- Measurement Science Review
- Journal of Instrumentation
- Instrumentation Science & Technology
- Instruments and Experimental Techniques
- Measurement Techniques
- In addition, the following journals cover topic-specific I&M:
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research; Section A and Section B
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
- Physiological Measurement
- Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
- Radiation Measurements
- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation
- IET Science, Measurement & Technology
- Finally, the following high-impact conferences also cover I&M topics:
- Internet Measurement Conference
- Passive and Active Network Measurement
- For example, the primary focus of the following journals is on the I&M field:
- Clear description of novelties and advances that your work makes in the I&M context, if your work is completely new to the I&M field and cannot really be compared against existing I&M Body of Knowledge, as represented by the above-mentioned literature. We expect this to happen only in rare cases.
- Comparison of your work (analytical and/or experimental) and its uniqueness and/or advantages over related previous works published in the existing I&M literature.
In addition, for your benefit, we have prepared some Topical Guides that explain how research in certain related fields, such as Image Processing, Computational Intelligence, Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Navigation, and Communication Systems should be properly presented in an I&M context.
ISSN: 0018-9456
eISSN: 1557-9662
Indexes (this list is not exhaustive):
Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
Essential Science Indicators
Current Contents: Engineering, Computing & Technology
IEEE Xplore
Google Scholar
TIM has a long history, and in fact, celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2021. In 1952, the Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation was launched. Its papers can be accessed in IEEE Xplore. In 1955, the name was changed to the IRE Transactions on Instrumentation, whose papers can also be accessed in IEEE Xplore. IRE was the Institute of Radio Engineers, which in 1963 merged with the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) to form the present-day IEEE. Subsequently, in 1963 the name of the transactions was changed to the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.