Benefits of IMS Membership

As our mission statement says, the Instrumentation and Measurement Society Administrative Committee strives to “provide the most comprehensive and high-quality services to our members and related professionals”.

Executive VP

Sergio Rapuano

University of Sannio

The I&M Society has a wide range of activities and benefits to offer our members. There are also many opportunities for our members to become involved in volunteer leadership positions that help promote the instrumentation and measurement profession.

We invite you to become involved today!

featured benefits


With discount registration fees, you can attend any of the dozen or so conferences and workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by the IMS. Our International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) is our global flagship conference. The program includes more than 300 fully reviewed papers presented and discussed for an in-depth understanding of a wide range of topics in Instrumentation and Measurement. Other conferences and workshops such as AUTOTESTCON or MeMeA (Medical Measurements and Applications) focus on specific applications or subject areas, giving you the chance to choose in-depth events that fit your interest.

Vice-President Conferences

Date Range:

Branislav Djokic

National Research Council


Members have access to the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) and to the Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. TIM is a highly rated exclusive publication of scholarly papers on the advancement of the science of instrumentation and measurement. Our magazine presents a broader view of pertinent topics in our field with articles and columns ranging from measurement tutorials to instrumentation reviews. Furthermore, members receive a 20% discount on Open Access fees when publishing in the society's gold open access journal: the IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement (OJIM).
In addition, IMS members have access to the IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology (electronic) and Society Newsletter (electronic), the IEEE Smart Grid Resource Center (electronic), the IEEE RFID Resource Center (electronic), and the IEEE Systems Council Resource Center (electronic).

Vice-President Publications

Date Range:

Ruqiang Yan

Xi'an Jiaotong University


The Instrumentation & Measurement Society is committed to building strong local chapters where our members can connect with colleagues in our fields of interest. Chapter formation assistance is available, as we seek to expand our society’s global presence. An annual Chapter Summit, typically held at the I2MTC conference, allows chapter chairs to connect and share ideas and resources. A chapter toolbox gives local chapter leaders direct access to training materials and resources. The future of any organization is in its younger members, and we provide specific programs for students and young professionals to connect and acquaint them with our community.

Vice-President Membership

Date Range:

Sabrina Grassini

Politecnico di Torino


Our Education Committee administers programs that promote the dissemination of instrumentation and measurement culture and improve education in I&M. We provide support for students and educators through awards for graduate research and course development by faculty members. The very popular Distinguished Lecturer Program has provided highly qualified speakers for chapters around the world in a number of current topics. During I2MTC, a robust tutorial program gives you a chance to receive direct education in a variety of current topics from excellent lecturers in concise presentations. Our video tutorial program and all-new virtual distinguished lecturer webinar series will make useful and hot-topic lectures available to you on demand via the society website.

Vice-President Education

Date Range:

Salvatore Graziani

Università di Catania


Our awards committee seeks to recognize outstanding technical achievement and outstanding service to our society through several prestigious awards. We promote high quality papers at our conferences by awarding best paper and best student paper prizes at I2MTC and other major conferences.

Awards & Membership Recognition Chair

Date Range:

Salvatore Baglio

University of Catania

Technical & Standards Activities

Instrumentation and Measurement is a broad area encompassing a variety of topics. We currently have 22 technical committees that address specific areas of expertise. We assist like-minded professionals in forming technical committees and in pursuing technical advancement. In many cases, technical committees work to create IEEE standards.

Vice-President Technical & Standards

Date Range:

Sebastian Yuri Catunda

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), at Natal