To recognize the best student chapter in a given calendar year based on activity.
A Certificate.
This award will be funded by the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society.
The best chapter will be recognized annually at the IEEE I2MTC.
Basis for Judging:
• Pre-requisite: The student chapter must have been submitting its annual report regularly.
• Composition and structure (10%): Adequate number of student members with at least three officers (i.e. Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary) with specified terms and succession plans.
• Membership Increase (20%): Identify total number of members in previous two years and current year.
• Membership Advancement/Increase (10%): Significant achievements and awards received by chapter members should be included here.
• Activities – Technical, Societal/Social, or Student/Industry (40%): Information can be provided on Technical Activities/Meetings, hosting job fairs or student/industry networking sessions, social activities involving students and the local community, student mentoring services, work towards student membership development, and activities that include interfacing with local industries.
• Composition and structure (10%): Adequate number of student members with at least three officers (i.e. Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary) with specified terms and succession plans.
• Membership Increase (20%): Identify total number of members in previous two years and current year.
• Membership Advancement/Increase (10%): Significant achievements and awards received by chapter members should be included here.
• Activities – Technical, Societal/Social, or Student/Industry (40%): Information can be provided on Technical Activities/Meetings, hosting job fairs or student/industry networking sessions, social activities involving students and the local community, student mentoring services, work towards student membership development, and activities that include interfacing with local industries.
All Student Chapters of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society are eligible; Starting 2016 only Student Chapters that submitted regularly the annual activity report to the society are eligible; Student Chapters not selected for this award may apply each year; Student Chapters selected for this award must wait two years after receiving the award to reapply.