To recognize a career of meritorious achievement and outstanding technical contribution by an individual in the field of instrumentation and measurement. Prize: $5,000, Plaque, and travel allowance of up to $1,000 is granted on a need basis for the recipient to attend the awards ceremony. Funding: Funded by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Presentation: Awarded annually at the discretion of the I&M Society Awards Committee at the following year’s I2MTC awards ceremony. Basis for Judging: Recognizes a lifetime career of meritorious achievement and outstanding technical contributions by an individual in the field of instrumentation and measurement. The nomination must clearly indicate the achievements that define the excellence of the candidate and must reference/provide relevant documentation that is in/or not in/ the public domain. At least 2, but no more than 4 endorsements, must be provided by individuals with close knowledge of a candidate’s activities that led to the achievements cited. Eligibility: Must be a member of IEEE and the Instrumentation and Measurement Society at the time of nomination and presentation. Voting members of the Society Standing Awards Committee are not eligible. Nominees must exhibit actions that reflect positively on and enhance the reputation of the I&M Society. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4. on Awards Limitations ( Previous award winners are not eligible. Nomination Details: Nomination Deadline: 15 August Note Regarding Endorsements: In addition to the Nominator’s letter, at least one, but no more than three support letters may be submitted. Nomination Form: Nominate for this Award Recipients 2024 Photo: Gaozhi Xiao For 40 years outstanding contributions to the advancement and implementation of instrumentation and measurement technologies, and for distinguished service to I&M society’s publications, conferences and technical committee. Acceptance Speech × 2023 Photo: Alessandro Ferrero For his exceptional career achievements in the Instrumentation and Measurement field and his outstanding leadership and mentorship qualities. Acceptance Speech × 2021 Photo: Emil Petriu For a career dedicated to academic research, engineering education, industry R&D, training and mentorship in the field of intelligent sensors, and for outstanding and continuous service to I&M society’s conferences, journal, technical committees, and Administrative Committee. Acceptance Speech × 2020 Photo: Reza Zoughi For lifelong activity and outstanding achievement in pioneering microwave nondestructive testing and evaluation; and for serving the I&M Society in many roles in the past as, among others, President of the Society and EIC of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Acceptance Speech × 2019 No Award Given Acceptance Speech × 2018 Photo: Kang Lee For serving the profession technically through his research on Clock Synchronization and leading standardization efforts to disseminate the knowledge; and for serving the I&M society through organizing and co-chairing conferences and through his work on TC-9. Acceptance Speech × 2017 Photo: Pasquale Daponte For a lifelong career and outstanding leadership in research and education on instrumentation and measurement, and a passionate and continuous service, international in scope, to the profession. Acceptance Speech × 2016 Photo: Stuart Nelson For pioneering research in the measurement and study of wide-frequency-range dielectric properties of agricultural materials, for exploring their engineering and scientific applications, and for documenting these properties and findings in reference publications. Acceptance Speech × 2015 Photo: Jerry Blair For significant contributions in instrumentation & measurement for underground nuclear testing, which helped the USA win the Cold War, and for monumental technical and administrative contributions to IEEE standards on waveform recorders, analog-to-digital. Acceptance Speech × 2014 Photo: Steve Sparks For half a century of leadership, advancing state-of-the-art test and measurement instruments. Acceptance Speech × 2013 Photo: Massimo D'Apuzzo For lifelong activity and outstanding achievement in pioneering the use of microcontrollers in electrical measurements. Acceptance Speech × 2012 Photo: Solomon Max For pioneering automatic test equipment design, CODEC & DSP test methodology and monumental improvements in signal generation and digitization hardware & calibration. Acceptance Speech × 2011 Photo: Mario Savino For decades of advancements in measurement science and its dissemination. Acceptance Speech × 2010 Photo: Asad M. Madni For an extraordinary career of enlightened leadership in and pioneering contributions to the development and commercialization of intelligent sensors, systems and instrumentation. Acceptance Speech × 2009 Photo: Stephen A. Dyer For a career dedicated to education in science and engineering; for research contributions in instrumentation and Hadamard-transform spectrometry; and for outstanding contributions to the I&M Society, including service as Editor-in-Chief of Transactions. Acceptance Speech × 2008 Photo: Luigino Benetazzo For a career of activities in academia, government, and industry devoted to the instrumentation and measurement field and its propagation. Acceptance Speech × 2007 Photo: Milton G. Slade For a lifelong career in automated test and measurement and over 15 years of volunteer service to the Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Acceptance Speech × 2006 Photo: J. Barry Oakes For outstanding contributions to the I&M Society, including two decades of service as a member of the Administrative Committee, two terms as Society President, and holding most of the Society offices; for service to the IEEE as a member of the IEEE Board. Acceptance Speech × 2005 Photo: Harold S. Goldberg For outstanding contributions to the Society and the IEEE as President of the I&M Society, Treasurer of TAB and numerous services to Society management, education and conferences. Acceptance Speech × 2004 Photo: Stephen F. Adam For a professional career of more than 50 years and for extensive work in the field of microwave measurement and instrumentation. Acceptance Speech × 2003 Photo: Douglas Strain For a professional career of more than 50 years as a founder of Electro Scientific Industries and the leadership in defining and developing instrumentation systems, particularly for automatic test and calibration. Acceptance Speech ×
For 40 years outstanding contributions to the advancement and implementation of instrumentation and measurement technologies, and for distinguished service to I&M society’s publications, conferences and technical committee.
For his exceptional career achievements in the Instrumentation and Measurement field and his outstanding leadership and mentorship qualities.
For a career dedicated to academic research, engineering education, industry R&D, training and mentorship in the field of intelligent sensors, and for outstanding and continuous service to I&M society’s conferences, journal, technical committees, and Administrative Committee.
For lifelong activity and outstanding achievement in pioneering microwave nondestructive testing and evaluation; and for serving the I&M Society in many roles in the past as, among others, President of the Society and EIC of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
For serving the profession technically through his research on Clock Synchronization and leading standardization efforts to disseminate the knowledge; and for serving the I&M society through organizing and co-chairing conferences and through his work on TC-9.
For a lifelong career and outstanding leadership in research and education on instrumentation and measurement, and a passionate and continuous service, international in scope, to the profession.
For pioneering research in the measurement and study of wide-frequency-range dielectric properties of agricultural materials, for exploring their engineering and scientific applications, and for documenting these properties and findings in reference publications.
For significant contributions in instrumentation & measurement for underground nuclear testing, which helped the USA win the Cold War, and for monumental technical and administrative contributions to IEEE standards on waveform recorders, analog-to-digital.
For lifelong activity and outstanding achievement in pioneering the use of microcontrollers in electrical measurements.
For pioneering automatic test equipment design, CODEC & DSP test methodology and monumental improvements in signal generation and digitization hardware & calibration.
For an extraordinary career of enlightened leadership in and pioneering contributions to the development and commercialization of intelligent sensors, systems and instrumentation.
For a career dedicated to education in science and engineering; for research contributions in instrumentation and Hadamard-transform spectrometry; and for outstanding contributions to the I&M Society, including service as Editor-in-Chief of Transactions.
For a career of activities in academia, government, and industry devoted to the instrumentation and measurement field and its propagation.
For a lifelong career in automated test and measurement and over 15 years of volunteer service to the Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
For outstanding contributions to the I&M Society, including two decades of service as a member of the Administrative Committee, two terms as Society President, and holding most of the Society offices; for service to the IEEE as a member of the IEEE Board.
For outstanding contributions to the Society and the IEEE as President of the I&M Society, Treasurer of TAB and numerous services to Society management, education and conferences.
For a professional career of more than 50 years and for extensive work in the field of microwave measurement and instrumentation.
For a professional career of more than 50 years as a founder of Electro Scientific Industries and the leadership in defining and developing instrumentation systems, particularly for automatic test and calibration.