IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society Best Application in I&M Award

This annual award is in recognition of an individual whose idea applies measurement concepts of instrumentation technology in a novel way to benefit society.  The application must be a working solution to an engineering need or problem.

$1,000, Plaque, up to $1,000 is granted on a need basis for the recipient to attend I2MTC in the year the award is presented, and publication of the idea in the I&M Magazine.
Funded by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
Awarded annually at the discretion of the I&M Society Awards Committee at the following year’s I2MTC awards ceremony.
Basis for Judging:
It must be an application that best applies I&M principles in an innovative way and delivers impact for the society membership.
All levels of Membership, including Student Members. Must be a member of the IEEE and the Instrumentation and Measurement Society at the time of nomination and presentation. Voting members of the Society Standing Awards Committee are not eligible. Nominees must exhibit actions that reflect positively on and enhance the reputation of the I&M Society. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible.
Nomination Details:

Nomination Deadline: August 15

Note Regarding Endorsements: In addition to the Nominator’s Description of Impact and Description of Application Letters, up to three optional support letters may also be submitted.

Nomination Form:


Carlo Trigona

For his innovative sensors that incorporate the response of plants to a wide range of environmental factors, becoming low, environmentally friendly, biodegradable instruments.

Tuan Guo

For outstanding contributions to energy storage monitoring using optical fiber sensing technologies.

Wuqiang Yang

For the impact of his work on online monitoring of fluidized beds in the following three aspects: (1) pharmaceuticals, (2) methanol-to-olefin (MTO) conversion, and (3) clean coal combustion.

Wuliang Yin

For Online Monitoring of the Evolution of Steel Microstructure in a Hot Rolling Process.

Mathias Bonmarin

For using lock-in thermal imaging to investigate stimuli-responsive nanoparticles in complex environments.

Robert X. Gao

For In-Situ Process Monitoring of Injection Molding.

Paolo Castello

For Smart Phasor Measurement Unit with variable reporting rate for Smart Grids.

Yong Yan

For Pulverized Fuel Flow Metering Systems.

John Donnal

For the Non-Contact Power Monitor.

Abhinav Sadu

For A Testing Platform for Monitoring Systems for the Power Distribution Grid.

Dario Di Cara

Antonello Monti

For Non-linear frequency domain identification for power systems components.

Andrea Cataldo

Roberto Ferrero

For Battery and Fuel Cell Monitoring.