IMS Short Courses
The IEEE I&M Society is working on a 4-module short course program on Instrumentation and Measurement with the aim to give people a framework that they can apply to all types of instrumentation and measurement. This short course program is intended to provide young professionals, graduate students, and practicing technical staff with increased capabilities in instrumentation, measurement, and calibrations skills.
Call for Short Course Tutors
Nominations are now being accepted for experienced tutors to support the development and delivery of the first module on Measurement Theory in the Short Course program.
All nominations should be submitted by May 30, 2022. Self-nominations are allowed.
Short Course Tutor Guidelines
The duties, guidelines, and topic list(s) for IMS Short Course Tutors can be found in the Short Course Tutor Guidelines.
IMS Short Course Tutors are expected to develop one or more lessons included in the topic list. Each lesson should include: a 20-minute video lecture over Powerpoint slides; working examples and/or workpapers, either totally or partially solved by the Tutor; and an Assessment Quiz.