IEEE J. Barry Oakes Advancement Award

To recognize the professional achievements of an individual engaged in the fields of I&M.

$2,000, Plaque, and up to $1,000 is granted on a need basis for the recipient to attend either a technical workshop of the recipient’s choice or I2MTC in the year the award is presented. If the recipient chooses to attend I2MTC, a lecture by the recipient will be given and registration will be provided at I2MTC for the year in which the lecture is presented.
Funded by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
Awarded annually at the discretion of the I&M Society Awards Committee at the following year’s I2MTC awards ceremony.
Basis for Judging:
Qualifications include the following demonstrated achievements: 1) Technical contributions to I&M science and engineering, 2) Leadership/project management skills or service as a role model or mentor for other engineers. At least 2, but no more than 4, endorsements must be provided by individuals with close knowledge of a candidate’s activities that led to the achievements cited.
38 years of age or younger at the time of the nomination (must not have reached the 39th birthday). Must be a member of the IEEE and the Instrumentation and Measurement Society at the time of nomination and presentation. Voting members of the Society Standing Awards Committee are not eligible. Nominees must exhibit actions that reflect positively on and enhance the reputation of the I&M Society. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4. on Awards Limitations ( Previous award winners are not eligible.
Nomination Details:

Nomination Deadline: August 15

Note Regarding Endorsements: In addition to the Nominator’s letter, at least one, but no more than three support letters may be submitted.

Electronic Application Package must include:

  • Nomination Form, which must include the nominee’s IEEE member number
  • Nominating letter from nominator outlining qualifications of the nominee, which counts as one of the letters of endorsement
  • CV of the nominee, with a clear indication of the date of birth
  • 350-word biographical summary of the candidate
  • Description of any additional support provided to the nominee by the employer
  • Title and abstract of the presentation, if applicable
  • At least one, but not more than three, additional letter(s) of endorsement
  • A statement identifying the nominee’s choice between the following:
    • attending I2MTC and providing a presentation
    • attending a technical workshop and the benefits of the nominee’s attendance at the workshop (must specify the name, location and date of the workshop)

Lecture Details:
If recipient chooses to attend IEEE I2MTC:

  • A 35-minute lecture on current instrumentation and measurement work conducted by the award recipient will be given during the annual IEEE I2MTC
  • Approximately 15 minutes will be reserved for a question-and-answer session
  • Lecture will be recorded and made available on the IEEE I&M Society website
Nomination Form:


Shibin Wang

For contributions to the advancement of signal processing methods for machine fault diagnosis.

Judy Amanor-Boadu

For contributions to the development of measurement-correlation methodologies that combine simulation methods with laboratory measurement, with application to increasing the efficiency and integrity of power-delivery systems for high-performance VLSI processors; and for dedicated and demonstrated service as a servant leader and a mentor.

Lijuan Wang

For contributions to the development of soft computing models for multiphase flow measurement.

Ali Foudazi

For contributions to the advancement of Active Microwave Thermography as a nondestructive testing and evaluation technique.

Mojtaba Fallahpour

For fundamental contributions to development of Green’s function based 3D synthetic aperture radar imaging of multilayered structures.

John Lataire

For fundamental contributions to the frequency domain measurement and identification of time-variant stystem.

Mohammad Tayeb Ghasr

For contributions to the development of real-time millimeter wave imaging systems for nondestructive evaluation applications

Marco Prioli

For a New Approach to Uncertainty Evaluation in Complex Measurement Systems.