Gabriele Patrizi


Gabriele Patrizi


GABRIELE PATRIZI (S’19 - M’22) earned cum laude both his bachelor’s degree in electronic and telecommunications engineering and his master’s degree in electronic engineering from the University of Florence, in 2015 and 2018, respectively.

He received the Ph.D. degree in industrial and reliability engineering in 2022 from the University of Florence, Italy, where he is currently a Postdoc Research Fellow in the field of Instrumentation & Measurement and Adjunct Lecturer of Electric Measurements.

In 2022, Dr. Patrizi has been Visiting Researcher at the “Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology” of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD).

His research interests include life cycle reliability of complex systems, condition monitoring for fault diagnosis of electronics, safety instrumented systems, data-driven prognostic and health management.

Position(s) & Affiliation(s)

University of Florence