Mihaela M. Albu (M’96, SM’07) is from Craiova, Romania. She graduated from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest (UPB) in 1987 and holds the Ph.D. degree (1998) from the same university. Since 2002 she is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at UPB. Teaching activity presently counts: Advanced Topics in Instrumentation and Measurement (Master); Smart Distribution Grids (Master); Signal Processing (Bachelor) at the Dept. of El. Engineering of UPB; and "Elektrische Meßtechnik”; “Sensoren" at the German Department of UPB.
Her research interests include wide area measurement systems as well as synchronized measurements and evaluation of the associated uncertainty considered in the state estimation algorithms; smart energy grids including optimal use of renewables and real time control; smart metering technologies; DC grids as an innovative solution for future intelligent grids, for which a demonstration platform was realized in a fully equipped laboratory fed from a DC bus at 230 V rated voltage and a proposal of power quality assessment in DC grids; power quality and signal processing for power quality assessment, nonlinear phenomena in power systems; distributed and computer-controlled measurement systems, IEEE and IEC standards in power, power system protection, virtual and Internet-based laboratories. She is the founder of an interdisciplinary group MicroDERLab at UPB, and coordinates several research teams working on projects funded by national and international grants. Dr. Albu was spending a leave at Arizona State University as a Fulbright Fellow 2002 – 2003 and in 2010. Her work includes coordination of a monograph (on measurements in power systems ), 7 Book chapters; 21 Journal Publications; more than 70 papers published in International Conference Proceedings; 40 presentations, invited papers and other non-refereed publications; 13 Laboratory notes, and more than 50 Technical Reports (recently on smart grids topics);
Since 2009 she is Vice-Chair of the Intellicis -Working Group 2: Reliable management and control of electric power systems, 2009-2013. The professional service is highlighted by active membership in IEEE - IMS, CIGRE, VDE, and IRE (Romanian Power Engineers Society).
As an IEEE member, she volunteers for the Instrumentation and Measurement Society since 2009, while she became part of the AdCom. She is also involved in the IEEE local activities –as a vice-chair of the PES-Romania Chapter and contributes to the dialogue between the Romanian electrical engineering community and the IEEE. Distinguished Lecturer (2020 - 2022); Chapter Chair|| I&M AdCom (2013-2016, 2009-2012)|| VP Membership (2010-2011)|| VP Technical & Standards Activities (2012-2013)|| IEEE Region 8 Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (2011)|| Smart Grid Initiative (2015-2017)|| Education Committee/Faculty Course Development Award Selection Committee (2016-2017)|| Distinguished Lecturer (2016 - 2019)