Shovan Barma

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Shovan Barma


Shovan Barma (M’15) received the B. Tech in electronics and communication engineering from Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India in 2003, and M. Tech in VLSI Technology from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, India in 2008. He received his PhD in Biomedical Signal Processing from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan (ROC) in 2015. He is currently working as Assistant Professor of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati (IIITG), Assam, India. His research interests include biomedical signal processing, advanced machine learning, affective computing, microscopic image processing.

Position(s) & Affiliation(s)

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati