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I&M-Authored Book Consideration Form

The items submitted with this form will be evaluated with respect to the guidelines below.

Proposed Guidelines:

  1. The book's major thematic basis should be about instrumentation and measurement.
  2. Must be published by a well-recognized publisher.
  3. Must be in English.
  4. The most relevant books will be selected from the submitted titles and will be posted on the I&M Website.  The I&M VP of Publications and I&M Publication Committee will have the final decision on which titles are posted to ensure the highest quality.
  5. The books will be listed on the I&M website while they are timely within the I&M community (i.e., they will be removed if they become obsolete). The I&M VP of Publications and I&M Publication Committee will have the final decision on which titles are avant-garde to ensure the highest quality.
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Upload Electronic Copy of Book (optional)

One file only.
1.46 GB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, zip.