2021 IMS President's Message



Dear members of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, 
Dear Colleagues,

It is with the greatest pleasure that I welcome you to the NEW homepage of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.

The IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, “our” Society, is a worldwide group of scientists, academicians, industry professionals and students who share the vision of being part of “the premier international professional Society in the Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) fields”. 

This year, 2021, starts with a great hope for all of us to have our lives back and is also carrying memories and experiences that we never have thought to accumulate. However, as often happens in the greatest crises, it has been also the opportunity for big changes, an “accelerator”. It forced us to think out of the box and gave us the trigger to make decisions and moves that were already growing and waiting to mature. 

The IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society has faced this year by reacting to the emergency first by switching our conferences to remote mode. The results have been highly comforting with a large number of high-quality papers and many attendees who spent their time attending paper presentations. It was challenging, but we learned quickly and now are ready to start this new year with many renewed conferences run in a remote manner. We are confident that they will be highly appreciated and populated by our members and authors. 

But, apart from conferences, we strived to keep our traditional high standard of services for our members and therefore we started our I&M Society Virtual Distinguished Lecturer Webinar program that has received lots of attention and positive feedback.

All of our services and the full body of relevant information for our members need a modern, agile and efficient platform. This new Society website is the result of this last year of work made for designing, developing, testing and populating. This webpage is your entry point to our Society, to all of our services; to general information on the Society; to our award opportunities, to our conferences and publications; to our technical activities; and, finally, to curiosities about our members and our Officers.

We are confident that will enjoy navigating through the many pages and megamenu, but most of all we hope you will find the content and the information interesting. 

Come and read our quarterly newsletter for all the up-to-date information and for columns such as “meet the AdCom members”. Come and watch our Video Tutorials and our Distinguished Lecturer Webinars. Above all, submit your manuscripts to our outstanding journal, to our magazine, and to our conferences.

We are willing to restart in-person conferences as soon as the situation improves such that we can enjoy meeting without harming our health, but we are also preparing to reinterpret the traditional concept of "conference" in a wider, modern and more efficient meaning.

I am deeply honored to be the Society President and I feel the great privilege to serve in this role as our members and our Society sail through this rough sea toward greater and ambitious goals. None of our goals could be reached without the dedication of the AdCom members and all of the volunteers, colleagues, and members actively collaborating with the Society and serving in many capacities for the benefit of the community. As such we made our motto the African proverb “if you want to go far, go together”.

If you are not yet a member of our Society, I would like to invite you to be part of our group and to make this “your” professional Society. There are many ways you can collaborate with the Society: join our Chapters, propose new Chapters and Student Chapters, identify and propose a new topic for our Technical Committees, invite our Distinguished Lecturers for a speech at your Chapter or University, propose new venues for conferences and workshops, submit your papers to our conferences and journals, attend our conferences and be an active part of our community.

Join us in our efforts to make our Society always better.

Feel free to contact me or my fellow AdCom members with your ideas, questions, proposals or even criticisms; we value every single member as a fundamental element of the I&M Society team and as a potential future President of the Society.

I look forward to meeting you in person at one of our future events as soon as it will be possible.
