I&M Magazine Open Access

From 2024, the Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine offers authors an Open Access option for their article, which provides unrestricted access by IEEE and non-IEEE members via the Internet.

If you would like to publish your Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine article as Open Access, the Article Processing Charge is US $2495 for articles submitted in 2024. The Article Processing Charge will be US $2645 for articles submitted in 2025.

  • IEEE Members receive a 5% discount
  • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Members receive a 20% discount
  • Discounts cannot be combined and do not apply to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Information about IEEE's Low and Lower-middle Income Country Program is available 

For any questions regarding IEEE’s Open Access policy, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions on Open Access https://open.ieee.org/about/faqs/

For information regarding IEEE Open Access Agreement with Institutions, please refer to https://open.ieee.org/for-institutions/institutional-partners/

If you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, please select the option in the submissions portal when you submit your article. If you select the Open Access option, you commit to pay the discounted Article Processing Charge if your manuscript is accepted for publication.