Antonio Esposito Email Biography Antonio Esposito (b. 1993) is a Research Fellow at University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He received his MSc degree in electronic engineering at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) in 2017 with a thesis on the “Performance Improvement of a Current Comparator Quench Detector“, and the PhD in Metrology at Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) in 2022 with a doctoral thesis on “Instrumentation for daily-life brain-computer interfaces: applied metrology for assistive devices relying on steady-state visually evoked potentials and motor imagery”. His main research activities focus on instrumentation for superconducting devices and measurements for wearable brain-computer interfaces. He has been working with visually evoked potentials elicited through extended reality glasses, signal processing through advanced artificial intelligence techniques, and neurofeedback for motor imagery-based interfaces. Antonio was also designated “Distinguished Lecturer 2023 2025” for the Instrumentation and Measurement society of IEEE and he is the Deputy Chair of the IEEE MetroXRAINE International Conference. Position(s) & Affiliation(s) University of Naples Federico II Italy