Sara Sulis

Sara Sulis headshot

Sara Sulis


Sara Sulis is Associate Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, Italy.

In 2020 she received the National Scientific Qualification to function as a Full Professor, 09/E4 Measurements. She was an Assistant Professor from 2006 to 2019. In March 2006, Dr Sulis was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Cagliari, where she also received an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering.

She is Secretary of TC-39 “Measurements in Power Systems”, selected as the recipient of the 2016 Outstanding TC Award for the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and a member of the Italian CEI CT-38 “Instrument transformers” and of the WG47 of the IEC TC-38 “Instrument transformers”. She is a member of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, of the “Associazione Italiana Gruppo Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche”, GMEE, and of the Didactic Commission of the GMEE.

Her research activity focuses on Power Quality issues, i.e. any deviations of voltage and current characteristics from sinusoidal, symmetrical conditions and nominal frequency, in power systems with special attention to harmonic pollution. Over the years, she has worked on the metrological qualification of the measurement processes involved in the above topics and she proposed a numerical approach based on a Monte Carlo probabilistic method as an advantageous alternative to the traditional analytical methods for the evaluation of the uncertainty in measurements obtained by digitally processing sampled input data. In recent years, the research work has focused on distributed measurement systems applied to electric distribution grids and designed to study reliable methodologies to perform both the state estimation and harmonic sources estimation of the network.

Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, she has published on international journals (IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Energies, COMPEL, EPQU) and on Proceedings of International Conferences sponsored by IEEE Societies and IMEKO. She is a reviewer for international journals and for international conferences, in particular, IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) and IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS). She was an “Outstanding reviewer of 2014” of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

During 2013, she obtained the Faculty Course Development Award, funded by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society, for the course “Sistemi Automatici di Misura”.

Since 2018, Dr. Sulis is Referent for the Quality of the Council for the Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, B.Sc. degree, at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari.

Position(s) & Affiliation(s)

University of Cagliari