R. Zoughi received his B.S.E.E, M.S.E.E, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering (radar remote sensing, radar systems, and microwaves) from the University of Kansas where from 1981 until 1987 he was at the Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL). He is the Kirby Gray (Battelle) Chair in Engineering and a Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). He is also the Director of Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE) at ISU. He served as the Schlumberger Endowed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) from January 2001 to August 2019. Prior to joining Missouri S&T and since 1987 he was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Colorado State University (CSU). He is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Distinguished Service Award, the 2009 American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Research Award for Sustained Excellence, the 2011 IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement and the 2020 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Career Excellence Award. In 2013 and 2020 he and his co-authors received the H. A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS). He is also the recipient of the 2023 American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Lester/Mehl Honor Lecture Award. He has twenty issued US patents to his credit (in addition to several issued abroad). He has served the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society and the IEEE in various capacities.