Women in Instrumentation & Measurement

On May 22, 2021 the IMS AdCom agreed to take the WIE Pledge on Diversity in IEEE Conferences and Events. This entails supporting the inclusion of a diverse set of speakers, which will lead to more creative, interesting and representative panels across the IEEE.

This Pledge formalizes a practice that the IMS has long followed, starting from the AdCom candidates, members and Officers, and also extended to editorial boards and events. Years of such practice result in a portion of female AdCom members (exceeding 1/3) that exceeds significantly that of the IMS membership. Two out of three Plenary speakers are female at I2MTC 2021, the major conference of IMS. IMS LEADS THE WAY IN DIVERSITY!

If you would like more information, please contact our IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE) Liaison.



Successful professional training event at I2MTC 2024 in Glasgow! Clare Josa, Best-selling Author of "Ditching Imposter Syndrome”, held the hands-on session “How To Share Your Ideas With Courage, Confidence And Passion”.

Women Change the World also through IMS, see what’s happening the in the Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine doi: 10.1109/MIM.2024.10423728.

IMS WIE Liaison Ferdi Ponci, thanks to the financial support of IMS, participated in the WIE International Leadership Conference, held May 2021 in virtual form. This was an outstanding event, and brought a bit of visibility for IMS in the WIE community.


IEEE WIE News: 23 June-12 July 2024, WIE Day,  engage women in AI, also in Instrumentation and Measurement. Organize an event, let WIE know what you did, submit your entry to the Photo Contest, and more. All here: IEEE WIE Day | IEEE Women in Engineering.

New IEEE WiE Chair: The new Chair of IEEE WIE is Celia Shahnaz from R10, serving in this position for the term– 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024!

IEEE WIE Manga Story Contest: The WIE Manga Story contest winners are out!  https://wie.ieee.org/publications/manga-story-contest/#toc_Latest_Scholarship_Recipients. Check out the WIE Manga book ORIKOU! RIKO-CHAN (Clever Riko-chan), story of a STEM girl. Any ideas for an I&M girl?

WIE Book Collection: Get inspired by the individual narratives of successful women engineer and women technologists:  Women in Engineering – The Complete Collection: Books 1-24 - https://ieeeusa.org/product/women-in-engineering-complete-collection-books-1-24/ 

IEEE WiE Liaison

Ferdinanda Ponci

RWTH Aachen University