TC-22 - Intelligent Measurement Systems


Mel Siegel

Carnegie Mellon University
United States

Pasquale Coscia

Università degli Studi di Milano


Fostering the development and use of artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing in measurement systems and related applications.


  • Develop, promote and support design methodologies, development tools, and applications of artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing in instrumentation and measurement systems, especially for automation, robotics, power and energy, bioengineering, medicine, signal processing, automotive, transportation, smart grids, smart home, smart cities, and ambient intelligence.
  • Develop, promote and support the integration of artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing technologies in advanced instrumentation and measurement procedures and systems, in particular by studying accuracy and classification of heterogeneous instrumentation and measurement.
  • Develop, promote and support standards in the field of artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing technologies (including, neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, expert systems) for intelligent instrumentation and measurement applications, as hardware and software components integrated in conventional analog and digital systems.
  • Disseminate information and knowledge about artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing technologies for instrumentation and measurement applications and attract a wider audience to their benefits, by means of workshops, special sessions in conferences, lectures, and publications.
  • Maintain liaisons with other committees, groups, societies, and organizations working on artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, and soft-computing technologies and in the applications fields.