IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Faculty Course Development Award (Grant)

To support and encourage faculty members to develop a new course or significantly revise an existing course with a specific focus on Instrumentation and/or Measurement, taught in an accredited (in accordance with accepted rules of the country of applicant) engineering/physics/science curriculum.

Award Selection Committee

Two annual grants of up to $10,000 USD each. Award certificate to each selected applicant.
Funded by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
Grant recipients will be announced at the annual I²MTC Conference Awards Banquet. Formal notification of the grant will be sent to the recipients, department and university administrators by May 15 (grant year).
Basis for Judging:
Program/Course Proposal, no more than 5 single-spaced pages, that specifically provides the following information (Application Template available):
• Title page containing the title, University name, contact information of the faculty member submitting the proposal and other pertinent University officials. Include email addresses and phone numbers, and the faculty member’s IEEE membership number.
• Program/Course Proposal outlining a program for the development of a new course directly related to and addressing subjects in the instrumentation and measurement fields. If the proposal outlines modifications to an existing course, significant changes to the existing course must be clearly documented.
• Budget – Detailed breakdown of how the funds will be used. Funds cannot be used for travel to meetings/conferences, etc., and must only be used for course development activities. If travel is required as a necessary element of the proposed course development (such as visiting another institution, receiving training, etc.), it must be explicitly stated in the proposal. Funds must be used for purchasing and developing instructional materials, student assistance payment, faculty course release or salary, etc., Cost-sharing by the faculty member’s institution is strongly encouraged, but not required. No institutional Indirect Cost is allowed.
A letter of support from the faculty member’s department/institution administrator must be
submitted (not to be counted as part of the 5-page proposal). This letter must include an explicit
statement about the fact that no institutional indirect cost (of any type) will be assessed by the
recipient’s institution.
• The faculty applicant must be a member of the IEEE and the Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
• The recipient must submit a short (no more than 2 single-spaced pages) progress report by February 1 of the following year.
• The faculty recipient must submit a final report (not to exceed 20 single-spaced pages, additional documents may be added as Appendices), by no later than December 1 (following year). The report must at minimum include: details of the developed course, summarizing all textbooks, audio-visual materials,
etc., used, any “Lessons Learned” or course modifications that will be implemented the next time the course is offered, and a brief summary of the expenditures from the grant. The report must be submitted to the I & M Society Course Development Grant Selection Committee Chair. The Chair may request further information, if necessary, and such information must be provided by the faculty recipient within 6 weeks of receiving request. Upon approval of the report by the selection committee, the recipient will be notified by the committee chair.
• Within 3 months of having received the final report approval notice, the faculty recipient must submit an article to the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society describing the course development, success metrics (if any), etc. The recipient must work closely with the EIC of the I & M Magazine regarding the format of the article.
• The faculty winner will submit a tutorial, commensurate with the requirements for the I & M Website tutorials, outlining the course.
• No more than 1 proposal, per institution, per year may be funded. Previous grantees are not eligible for another grant for a full 2 years after the completion of the previous course development and the satisfactory submission of its final report.
• Nominees must exhibit actions that reflect positively on and enhance the reputation of the I&M Society.
Nomination Details:

Nomination Deadline: 1 February 2025

Nomination Form:
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Stefano Rinaldi

Course Title: Advanced Sensors for Agriculture

Ruqiang Yan

Course Title: Intelligent Sensing and Measurement Technology

Mathias Bonmarin

Course Title: Thermal Devices and Instrumentation in Medicine and Biology.

Marco A. Azpurua

Course Title: Instrumentation and Measurements for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing.

Paolo Attilio Pegoraro

Course Title: Data Acquisition Technologies.

Nosherwan Shoaib

Course Title: Advanced RF Measurements.

Olev Martens

Course Title: Impedance Spectroscopy.

Olfa Kanoun

Course Title: Experimental Modular Platform for Enhanced Practical Skills in Instrumentation Courses World-Wide.

Miodrag Bolic

Course Title: Principles of Uncertainty Evaluating Engineering Measures.

Luca De Vito

Course Title: Drone for Measurement and Measurement Drone.

Simona Salicone

Course Title: Measurement Architectures for Electric Systems.

David Macii

Course Title: Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation.

Mohamad Eid

Course Title: All Engineering Programs/ENGR-AD 116 - Instrumentation, Sensors, Actuators

Steven Goode

Course Title: All Engineering Programs/ENGR-AD 116 - Instrumentation, Sensors, Actuators

Stephen A. Dyer

Course Title: Sensors and Systems.

Imad Elhajj

Course Title: Applied Instrumentation for Civil Engineering.

Sara Sulis

Course Title: Automatic Measurement Systems.

Subhas Mukhopadhyay

Course Title: Advanced Sensors and Instrumentation: A Project Based Paper.

Wendy Van Moer

Course Title: Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems.

Niclas Bjorsell

Course Title: Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems

Yang Wang

Course Title: Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Forensic Evaluation in Engineering Materials and Structures

Kimberly Kurtis

Course Title: Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Forensic Evaluation in Engineering Materials and Structures

Serge Demidenko

Course Title: Electronic Testing, Instrumentation, and Measurement

Moi-Tin Chew

Course Title: Electronic Testing, Instrumentation, and Measurement

David W. Scott

Course Title: Introduction to Non-Destructive Testing and Forensic Evaluation in Engineering Materials and Structures

Graham Wild

Course Title: Development of an Integrated Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory Project for Aviation Students

Claudio M. Montiel

Course Title: Mixed Signal IC Test and Measurement

Steven Hinckley

Course Title: Development of an Integrated Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory Project for Aviation Students