Chair(s): Daniel Watzenig Professor, Graz University of Technology Virtual Vehicle Research Austria Email Huilin Yin Professor Tongji University China Email The goals of this Committee are to: Continuously capture the state-of-the-art of measurement and automation techniques in mobility and transport. Discuss advances with respect to assisted, automated, and autonomous modes in on-road and off-road applications but also related fields such as in maritime, avionics and space, agriculture, automated rail operations, defense, and health-care robotics. Analyze the benefits of machine learning and generative AI techniques for modern transportation and decision-making for both non-critical but also for safety-critical applications. Discuss cutting-edge methods required for the sense-predict-plan-decide-act of cooperative, connected, and automated transportation systems. Recommend areas and research fields worthy of further study due to the perceived lack of advanced measurement techniques, science, or implementation. Maintain liaison with other groups, societies, and organizations working in the same field. Discuss recent advances in our annual conference, the IEEE IAVVC. Sponsored Conferences: IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference (IVVC) - IAVVC focuses on all aspects related to research, development, and applications of vehicle and infrastructure connectivity – both with a focus on vehicle electrification and vehicle automation. IAVVC 2024 Website: